Education & Employability

Centre for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA) is making teaching an aspirational profession by assessing and certifying the competencies of teachers, connecting them to career opportunities, rewards and recognition, and supporting their professional development. CENTA equally helps schools and systems attract, develop, grow, and retain great teachers. This leads to a virtuous cycle where many more teachers are motivated to improve their competencies and aspiring teachers see this as a valid career option – thereby fundamentally improving the quality of education.

ONI Impact Thesis

By providing teachers with much needed career development opportunities such as certification, training, and jobs, CENTA is helping to significantly improve the quality of Indian teachers. By working with teachers across public, private, and after-school systems, CENTA also positively impacts the lives of students from the Next Half Billion by giving them access to better quality education.

Why We Invested
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Ramya Venkataraman
Ramya Venkataraman
Founder & CEO
